I traveled far and wide,
One galaxy at a time,
Till finally I saw it in a milky sky,
A blue dot full of life.

As I crept ever so closer,
The blue dot grew mightily larger,
Full of green valleys and oceans,
Of plants and animals,
And creatures called humans.


They welcomed me with open arms,
With food and shelter,
With sweet air and tasty water,
With endearing compassion.


I looked different,
I spoke different,
I behaved different,
Yet for them,
I was no different.

As I waved them goodbye,
I promised to come back with my people,
They were not perfect,
Yet they were the most perfect creatures I had seen.

I believed in them,
These wonderful mysterious humans.

It took me a few hundred years to return,
To find the happy blue dot,
Only this time it wasn’t blue and lively,
But black, purple, brown,
Dying as every second went past.

As we crept ever so closer,
We spied upon concrete structures,
Gone were the valleys and oceans,
Gone were the animals and plants,
All that remained were humans.


They welcomed us with screams and laughter,
With cages and chains,
With sweet injections and tasty drugs,
With endearing fear.


They looked similar,
They spoke similar,
They behaved similar,
Yet for them,
They were not similar.
They feared to be different,
Not from us,
But from each other.

As we escaped and were to take our leave,
I looked back at the dot once happy,
And promised to return one day again,
When fear is replaced by compassion again,
When they are free from their own perfect selves,
And are perfectly imperfect again.

I want to believe in them,
These wonderful mysterious humans.

~ Varun Dani

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